8 Ways to Add a Fresh Start to Your Year
Feel better and do better in 2019
The second month of 2019 is almost over already! If you’re still feeling stuck in the same routine, here are a few tips and tricks to help start the year off refreshed and focused.
Change Up Your Morning Routine
If you find yourself normally rushing to get out the door each morning, this one if for you! Create a challenge to wake up 30 minutes earlier and soon it will become part of your everyday routine. If getting up earlier isn’t your struggle, try going for a walk, making your breakfast, or even doing a little stretching. Incorporating healthy-living objectives into your morning will jumpstart your day!
Do Some Cleaning & Organizing
Nothing’s better than a clean space to improve your mindset. In the wise words of Marie Kondo, “tidy your space, transform your life”. Start by going through some of the piles of clutter, papers, books, and even clothes. Consider donating your gently used items or giving them to friends. Everyone works better in a space free of unnecessary clutter!
Create a List of Goals
If you haven’t outlined your goals for the new year, now’s the time. What do you want to accomplish? What didn’t you quite get done last year? What are your must-sees? These are all great starter questions to help you create your list. Keep your list in everyday sight as a reminder.
Pick Up A New Hobby or Activity
Admit it; there’s always something you’ve wanted to try! From skiing to surfing and baking to crafting -- there’s a lot of ground to cover. Not everything has to be fitness based. Try reading or becoming a history buff. A new year is the time to start up new activities that give you a sense of purpose or help you unwind from your day.
Make an Effort to Reach Out to Loved Ones
Whether it’s your family or a close friend, building meaningful relationships takes time and energy. Challenge yourself to contact your loved ones more! Not only will conversation and probably a few good laughs lighten your mood, but you’ll feel more connected to them and the world around you.
Enjoy Some Pampering
Not everything has to be a challenge! Kick back and get yourself in the right headspace to begin your busy list. Go the extra mile by scheduling a massage or facial, or just go out and get your nails done. Whatever pampering you enjoy, now’s the time to indulge.
Cut Back On Bad Habits
While this one’s a little tough, there’s always something each and every one of us could improve upon. It could be cutting back on sweets or eating out less. Or it could be cutting toxic friends from your life. Whatever your bad habits are, be honest with yourself and make a plan for reducing and eventually eliminating them from your life.
Get in Touch with Your Creative Side
We’re not forcing anyone to get crafty unless you want to. A creative side can be defined as writing, designing, or even movie reviewing and poetry. Do something that’s outside your creative realm. Engaging the creative side of your brain will leave give you a wholesome feeling and leave you wanting to achieve even more!
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